When lawn renovation is needed, slit seeding can often solve the problem quickly, easily, and with little mess or bother. Our system slices through the sod and plants new seed directly into the soil, eliminating the need to strip the existing sod, till the yard, or provide a straw cover.


When thatch builds up to over 1⁄ 2“, it begins to interfere with the healthy growth of your lawn. A thin, sickly lawn is often the result. Older or neglected lawns may become infested with many varieties of unwanted grass that should be removed and replaced. Serious disease or insect damage can also thin a lawn so badly that renovation is the only answer. Lawns that were planted with grasses that require much water may need to be converted to more drought-tolerant types. For all the cases above, slice seeding is one of your best and most economical solutions.


A slit seeder is made up of three basic parts) slicing knives that cut through the thatch and into the soil, creating furrows and mixing soil with the thatch; b) seed tubes that place the seed into the prepared furrows; and c) disks or rollers that close the soil over the seed.

Slit-seeding provides proper seed-to-soil contact and results in much better germination and growth rates than seed that is broadcast or spread by hand. Contact us if you’d like more information on our lawn renewal programs and services.